
Sheilah (Wilson) ReStack (b. 1975 Caribou River, Nova Scotia) is a visual artist whose work is a feminist investigation into photographic and moving images as one of the possible materials for imagining desire, motherhood, and queer family into the world. Wilson ReStack has exhibited her work nationally and internationally at Camden Arts Center, Columbus Museum of Art, and The British Museum among others. Awards include Nova Scotia Talent Trust recipient, Creative Capital Foundation Scholarship, Canada Council Travel Grant , Denison University Research Funding, Canada Council Project Grant, Howard Foundation Photography Grant, Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence, Union Docs Fellowship. Wilson ReStack’s work has been commissioned for the Museum of Fine Arts of Santa Fe, Balloon Museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico, OSU Urban Art Spaces, W(here) Festival in Pictou County, Columbia College Chicago, Whitney Museum of American Art, Ross Creek Center for the Arts, Confederation Arts Centre and others. She received a BFA from NSCAD University in 2003 and an MFA from Goldmiths College in 2004. Wilson ReStack lives in Columbus, Ohio, where she is an Associate Professor at Denison University.



1975 Caribou River, Nova Scotia, Canada




BUILD YOUR ALTAR, Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand



If Becoming This, Antioch University, Yellow Springs, OH, USA

a line drawn continuously and without looking, Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada



Memory Translation Machine, Roy G Biv Gallery, Columbus, OH, USA


Memory Translation Machine, Roy G Biv Gallery, Columbus, Ohio
you are my favorite photograph, Denison Museum, Granville, Ohio

this is only one of the possible redemptions, Through the Flower, Belen, New Mexico



House Becomes You, with Dani Restack at Gaa Gallery, Wellfleet, MA, USA



Repeat Pressure Until, Angela Meleca Gallery, Columbus, OH, USA (curator)

Stack for Carrington’s Hyena, collaborative show with Dani Leventhal, Iceberg Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA

Stack, Columbus Museum of Art, with Dani Leventhal, Columbus, OH, USA

SOTD, (Strangely Ordinary This Devotion), premier screening, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, USA



Shameless Light, Dani Leventhal and Sheilah Wilson, Lyric Theatre, Carizozzo NM, USA
Repeat Pressure Until, Ortega y Gasset Projects, New York, NY, USA (curator) 

East is the New West, curated by Sophia Bartholomew, Vancouver Art/Book fair, Vancouver, Canada

Satellite Squared, Migrational Methods & a Romantic Gonzo Gesture, curated by Zahar Vaks, Satellite Contemporary, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Always Already Here, curated by Joshua Bienko, Ortega y Gasset Booth at Baltimore Art Fair, Baltimore, MD, USA

Doing it Our Way, group show curated by Pan Wendt and Amish Morrell, Confederation Arts Centre, Prince Edward Island, Canada



Tightened: As if by Pliers, curated by Leeza Meksin and Joshua Bienko, Knockdown Center, Queens, New York, NY, USA

Earthwerks and Other Celestial Familiars, Ortega y Gasset, Sidecar, Hammonds, IN, USA

Pictou Island Portage, curated by Eryn Foster, Nova Scotia, Canada

Body as Omen, curated by Sheilah Wilson. Ortega y Gasset Projects, Bushwick, New York, NY, USA



The Fixed Shadow, Jurors Carol Panaro-Smith and James Hajicek, Wright State University, Ohio.

DESPAIR/DESPAIR NOT, Installation for Nuit Blanche, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

RELAY RELAY, group inaugural show of founding members of Ortega y Gasset Projects, Bushwick, New York, NY, USA

Almost Metal Collective, Columbia College A + D Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA



SPE Midwest Members Exhibition, Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center. Curated by Catherine Evans, curator Columbus Museum Art, Columbus, OH, USA

W(here), curated by Mary McDonald, Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada

Melting Snow by Hand and other Minor Miracles, Queen Elizabeth Park, Masterton, New Zealand

Brevity of all things pure, Featherston Seen window project, Featherston, New Zealand

Ephemeral Traces, curated by Claudia Arzqueta, Enjoy Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand



NPS Artists, curated by Kay Flavell, Mt. Pukaha, Masterton, New Zealand

Courage, storefront, River John festival days, Nova Scotia, Canada



Time Sensitive, Ohio State University Urban Art Space, Juried by Ola Stahl, Columbus, OH, USA

Ohio Art League Juried show, Fort Hayes Shot Tower Gallery, Juried by Christopher Bedford, curator Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH, USA

Cluster Balloons: from Lawn Chairs to Cosmic Rays, Albuquerque Balloon Museum, Curated by Marilee Nasson, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Image Ohio, Fort Hayes Shot Tower Gallery, Juried by Michael Stickrod, Columbus, OH, USA



Ohio Art League Juried Show, Fort Hayes Shot Tower Gallery, Juried by Lisa Dent, curator at Columbus Museum of Art,C olumbus, OH, USA

Roy G Biv 20th Anniversary, Juried by Christopher Lynn, director of SPACES, Columbus, OH, USA

Terminal Video Festival, curated video show, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN, USA

Small Scale Big Ambition, 3 person show with Andy Weber and Emily Hall, Rutgers University, Brunswick, NJ, USA

The Crying Lucky Horseshoe, faculty show, Saint Mary's College Moreau Gallery, Notre Dame, IN, USA

Commission from Site Santa Fe for installation on night of New Years Eve, Santa Fe, NM, USA



Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival, Chicago, IL, USA

Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival, Romania

Jeonju International Film Festival in Seoul, South Korea

Images Film Festival, curated by Aily Nash Toronto, Canada



Wexner Visiting Filmmaker (Shamelss Light, Performance, screening Strangely Ordinary This Devotion (SOTD), Q&A with Christ Stults, Columbus, OH, USA

Toronto International Film Festival; Strangely Ordinary This Devotion (SOTD), Wavelengths, curated by Andrea Picard, Toronto, Canada

Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival, Strangely Ordinary This Devotion (SOTD), Berwick-upon-Tweed, United Kingdom

Athens International Film Festival Juror Screening SOTD and Shameless Light performance, Athens, Greece

Whitney Biennial, premiere of Strangely Ordinary This Devotion (SOTD), New York, NY, USA




Nomination for Queer Arts Award for Strangely Ordinary This Devotion (SOTD)

Dension University Research Funding for Mother Mother, Volume II

Annex Residency, Maine

Howard Foundation Fellowship in Photography, Brown University, RI



Headlands Center for the Arts Residency

Carizozo Artist Residency



Ohio Art Council Individual Excellence Photography Grant

Denison University Research Funding for work creation Sweetly the Pilgrim / Slowly the Way



Denison University Research Funding for work creation for Pictou Island Portage

Struts Ok Quoi invitational artist in residence, New Brunswick, Canada



Denison University Research Funding for BUILD YOUR ALTAR



Canada Council Project Grant

NSCAD Artist in Residency

Full Tilt Residency, Newfoundland, Canada



Banff Centre Thematic Residency “There’s something in the Water” with Adam Chodzko, Simon Starling and Martin Clark. Scholarship award.



Renee Steidel award for OAL Juried Show. Selection by Christopher Bedford from Wexner Center for the Arts.

DURF (Denison University Research Funding) for ‘Songs Worth Singing’.



Canada Council Travel grant for “this is only one of the possible redemptions”



New Pacific Studio Residency, Wairapa, New Zealand.



Winner of the Judy Chicago, Through the Flower Foundation 'Feminists Under 40' competition.



Recipient of Creative Capital Foundation grant for career development, New Mexico.



Three time recipient of the Nova Scotia Talent Trust (2004, 2003, 2002)



Goldsmiths College, MFA Studio Arts, London, United Kingdom, 2004                        

NSCAD University, BFA Photography Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2003

Instituto Allende, Photography Certificate, San Miguel, Mexico, 1999                        

Mount Allison University,  BA Honours English and French, New Brunswick, Canada, 1998